While 2020 has been many things, it certainly hasn't been polite, and when we're all just trying to survive, manners and etiquette may seem like the last topic to bring up. However, even during a pandemic, it is important to practice hospitality! I have learned a lot this year about how important it is so be flexible on what this looks like in our daily lives both at work and at home.
Navigating both personal and business relationships during a time of social-distancing and Zoom calls, has no doubt been a learning curve for us all. And its for this reason that I am so excited to share this episode of the blog with you, Etiquette in a Virtual World with the amazing Rachel Wagner. She is a sought-after
"business etiquette consultant, trainer and speaker specializing in etiquette and protocol issues facing today’s business professional. Rachel is trained and licensed as a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant by the renowned Protocol School of Washington® in Washington, D.C. She is the founder and President of Oklahoma-based Rachel Wagner Etiquette and Protocol. Armed with over two decades of experience as a teacher and workshop speaker, Rachel provides professionals with the business etiquette tools needed to communicate with confidence, presence and influence." You can learn more about Rachel on her website, https://www.etiquettetrainer.com/staff/rachel-wagner/.
Please enjoy part one of a two part series on how we can practice hospitality both virtually and in-person. I would love to hear your feedback in the comments section!